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AshCraft Rules  

The following rules are accepted by every player on the server:

1. No Hacking of any sort this includes x-ray resource packs.


2. Treat others with respect.

3. DO NOT ask for staff or gym leader we will deny all your applications if you ask.


4. Keep swearing to a minimum we allow swearing on this server BUT we do not allow it to be used towards other players.


5. NO Bullying! This is our strictest rule if we catch you bullying someone it will result in a immediate ban with NO Appeal


6. Griefing is NOT allowed on this server and result in a ban.


7. No Spamming in chat. We feel everyone should be treated equally on this server so we treat everyone as if they're adults so act like it. Same rules apply for CAPS LOCK


8. Staff work very hard on this server so treat them with the respect they deserve.

Temporary and permanent bans will be issued to players who break rules. The type of ban and ban period will be set according to the rule broken. 
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